Our programmers (that's not them up there, but that is what it looks like when they work) are working around the clock and are in the midst of finishing up a brand spankin' new website for you (all 37 of you who check this blog out) to enjoy, and let us tell you, you're in for a real treat. We've still got some kinks (double), and tweaks (preferably stalefish) to work out, but in the mean time, here's a small peek at some new boards, because believe it or not, that's what Weekend Snowboards is all about, snowboards. Enjoy, and check back soon for the new website launch.
Heikki Sorsa's Road Trip 153

Heikki Sorsa's Adventure Island 155

Heikki Sorsa's Chutes and Towers 157

There you have it. You'll be able to find out more about these puppies (and see larger versions), and a whole lot more once the website launches. Hope you like. We do, but that's understandable.